Mixers Nightclub & Lounge

Mixers Nightclub & Lounge

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Mixers Nightclub & Lounge

Sabattus, ME
136 Sabattus Road Sabattus, ME 04280

Mixers Nightclub & lounge, 136 Sabattus Road in Sabattus has been "mixing" it up for over 20 years providing live music ,comedy ,line dancing ,DJ club nights and so many other events as well a full kitchen serving a full menu and dinner specials every night! Checkout their Facebook page for upcoming events. Coupons for Mixers are online for $25, your price..just $12.50!

Mixers Nightclub & Lounge

136 Sabattus Road, Sabattus, ME, USA

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Mixers Nightclub & Lounge
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