Maria's Ristorante
Portland, ME
1335 Congress Street Portland, ME 04101
Anthony and Madeline Napolitano established Maria's Restaurant in 1960. Together they built what many food critics and patrons have called as "Portland's finest authentic Italian Cuisine." With Anthony Sr. running the kitchen and preparing his wonderful Italian selections, and Madeline as hostess, greeting all their customers with her charming personality, they created Maria's Ristorante. Today, Anthony Jr. runs the kitchen, with his brother, Gregory, running the front of the house; they "Preserve the authentic Italian dining experience". Gregory spends time in Italy each year selecting the best wines, cheeses, Prosciuttos, and Porchini mushrooms, and looking for new ideas for the restaurant. Anthony Sr. and Madeline have a significant role at Maria's. You can see them often in the restaurant. Anthony Jr.'s wife, Wendy, is also involved in the family business, by printing menus, special customer relations's projects, and providing help on those extra busy nights. It is truly a family business that has succeeded for over 40 years. So make your next evening your best evening out by dining at Maria's Ristorante. Preserving the authentic Italian experience! See for yourself why Maria's has been called " Portland's Finest Authentic Italian Cuisine! A family business since 1960! Reservations 772-9293!