Cormier’s Dog House

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Just when you think you know what a hot dog on a bun tastes like? Along comes Cormier’s Dog House in Windham! Do you know what a Chicago dog is? Maybe you’ve heard of them, but have you ever tried them?! There’s literally nothing like it! Cormier’s Dog House has every dog there is on the menu, from the Classic Chicago Dog (which is a beef dog, mustard, tomatoes, onion, relish, Pickles, sport Peppers and celery salt…) to The Reuben Dog, which we all know what that must taste like and is definitely a must try! Out of this world delish! So many other variations from the Italian Beef, the Maxwell Street, German Dog, Maine Dog (of course with the red snapper), the PB & J dog and so many more you never even think about putting together! It's not just lunch or dinner, it's an experience- always served on a poppy seed roll! Don’t want a dog? Best burgers ever! You’ll wish their “secret recipe” on The Big Hurt wasn’t secret! Always feel free to build your own and enjoy with a cold beer or a glass of wine. Kids menu available as well. Come on in and change the way you eat dogs forever! Roosevelt Trail Windham. In the Strip Mall next to the Post Office. Check out our Facebook page at, and see our menu in photos and we shall see you there!